Vote Booth
We encourage lots of nominations booth. This can be from vendors, utilities, IPPs, C&I customers, or indeed any group that has developed successful technology and business innovations.
Pre-Registration The 78th INED
This marks is very important date! Brace yourself as the Event Pre-Registration is right on the horizon. Gear up to be part of our venture into extraordinary experiences!"
You can get Badge ID today at ICE BSD Hall 6 at 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. WIB. Let's go and please take note of the ticket redemption schedule
Meet Our Sponsors
Now is your opportunity to become aligned with the biggest power event in the region. By becoming an our Official Sponsor and align your brand with the most prestigious power and energy trade show in ASEAN, you are ensuring your brand will be seen by the top regional utilities and IPPs, international delegations and government officials.
About MKI
MKI adalah organisasi stakeholder yang bergerak dalam kegiatan pembentukan forum untuk menghasilkan pemikiran guna menumbuh-kembangkan industri ketenagalistrikan di Indonesia, baik dalam ligkup nasional maupun internasional.
Rapat DPP MKI 2022 - 2025
Pada tanggal 5 Januari 2024 telah dilaksanakan rapat DPP MKI dengan agenda penyusunan Rencana Program Kerja dan Anggaran (RKA) DPP tahun 2023.
MKI Latest Events
Year of foundation131
Company members35
Charter MembersCountless
ProfesionalsLatest Events
RegistrationPress Release
News and Announcement
Chairman Messages
MKI is a non-profit organization which activities involve formulating opinions and ideas to develop and expand the electrical power industry in Indonesia, at the national as well as international levels toward a self reliance industry characterized by the motto:
“brighter, stronger, affordable, and outspread"
MKI membership covers all elements individuals, associations, companies, cooperatives, and academics, nationals as well as internationals, which are directly associated with electrical power sector activities in Indonesia from primary energy suppliers to producers of electricity, equipment manufacturers and support services, down to consumers.
— E. Haryadi
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Secretariat Office
18 Office Park
3rd Floor, Unit 3A
Jl. TB Simatupang No. 18
Jakarta 12520
Office: +62 21 5252379
+62 21 5253787
WA : +62 811-9918-077
Fax: +62 215 255 939
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Masyarakat Ketenagalistrikan Indonesia