About MKI

Our Profile
Scope and Application

The Indonesian Electrical Power Society (MKI) was established in 1998, based on the spirit of Law No. 15/1985 on Electricity, by then stakeholders of the Indonesian electrical power industry as a forum of communication, coordination and consultation for the Indonesian electrical power sector.

MKI is a non-profit organization which activities involve formulating opinions and ideas to develop and expand the electrical power industry in Indonesia, at the national as well as international levels toward a self reliance industry characterized by the motto: “brighter, stronger, affordable, and outspread”. MKI members comprise of all stakeholders in the electrical power sector from the upstream to the downstream, covering the entire value chain of activities. 

MKI membership covers all elements individuals, associations, companies, cooperatives, and academics, nationals as well as internationals, which are directly associated with electrical power sector activities in Indonesia from primary energy suppliers to producers of electricity, equipment manufacturers and support services, down to consumers. 

In accordance with with the prevailing law on electricity, the Government of Indonesia shall obtain inputs in the form of public and industry opinions and views in their efforts to develop a broad base, integrated general plan of the national electrical power system. MKI constitutes the right partner for the Government to provide inputs and views with broad perspective and quality covering technology, business and regulatory aspects in line with the wide coverage of MKI memberships. 

One of the benefits of MKI membership is that the positions or views, advocacies and opinions of each member as a player in the Indonesian electrical power sector can be channeled and have a chance to be heard by the policy maker as stipulated by the law. 

With the organization structure of MKI, which is based on team concept, each member could take active participation in the team(s) of his/her choice and express his/her opinion from the professional, business as well as general points of view in solving problems and addressing the rising issues. Although MKI may have expressed its positions or views on certain resolutions or issues, MKI recognizes members to have different opinions that affect their respective interests. 

Another important benefit of MKI membership is the network of information among members for exchanging knowledge and experience. In the globalization era, accurate, fast and timely information are becoming important commodities to enhance individual and organization competencies that could lead to better business opportunities. 

Through workshops, seminars and conventions held by MKI, members could expand their intellectual capitals in technology, business, human relations and personal development in more focused and cost effective manner. MKI contributions to the Government of Indonesia and the Indonesian electrical power sector include but: not limited to

  • Enhance the roles of all potencies in the electrical power sector in an optimal and professional manner
  • Create synergy among the national electrical power potentials in a dynamic, adaptive and ethical manner to support the climate of transparent, rational and efficient competition so that the electrical power consumers will get electricity at affordable prices
  • Support the implementation of Government of Indonesia power sector restructuring policy.
  • Provide inputs to the Government of Indonesia in compliance with the stipulation in Law No. 15/1985 concerning electricity in the form of regulatory advocacy, public opinions, communication, and proactive participation in the development and restructurization of the sector toward sustainable, self eliance industry.