M‌KI Region 


Regional MKI

The Electricity Law emphasizes the need of public participation as partner of the government. Within the framework of implementing regional autonomy, in which the regional government will have a wider rights and responsibility to the administration including for the electricity business within the region, MKI role in the region is utmost important to give strategic inputs in the electrical power sector to the Regional Government. 

Additionally, the Regional Government shall prepare Regional Electricity General Master Plan (RUKD), and that the Central Government must take into account the RUKD as well as inputs and opinion from the people in preparing the National Electricity General Master Plan (RUKN). 

With those situations, the existence of Regional MKI will have a great benefit to the Regional Government. MKI could play a broader role as a forum which accommodates public participation and viewpoints in providing strategic and potential inputs to Regional Governments. 

MKI as a national organization and taking into consideration its vast area could have members throughout Indonesia and even abroad for its activities. Regional MKI is an autonomous organization and its relation to the ‘national’ MKI organization similar to ordinary association member.

Regional MKI established :‌ 
  • MKI Batam Region 
  • MKI Jawa Timur Region 
  • MKI Jawa Barat Region
  • MKI Jawa Tengah & Jogjakarta Region 
  • MKI Sulawesi Selatan & Tenggara Region
  • MKI Nusa Tenggara Timur Region 
  • MKI Sulawest Utara Region 
  • MKI Kalimantan Barat Region 
  • MKI Sumatera Utara Region 
  • MKI Sumatera Barat Region 
  • MKI Sumatera Selatan Region

Regional MKI to be established:

MKI Banten Region                                                    MKI Bali & Nusa Tenggara Barat Region

MKI  Bangka                                                               MKI Kalimantan Timur Region

MKI Kalimantan Tengah & Selatan Region            MKI Papua Region

MKI Riau Region                                                        MKI Aceh 

MKI Lampung Region                                               MKI Maluku Region