MKI Vision and Mission
To be recognized as an effective organization for bolstering togetherness in creating efficient, reliable and transparent Indonesian electrical power industry that will support the people's welfare through synergy and effective use of national resources to its utmost potential
- • To build a forum of communication and consultation that bolsters the synergy and togetherness in enhancing the efficiency of environmentally friendly national electrical power industry in facing the era of integrated and competitive global market.
- • To take proactive role in creating an ethical and conducive business climate for developing all aspects of the national electrical power industry in the process of sustainable national development.
Strategic Objectives
• Provide inputs to Government Of Indonesia in preparing for the framework of the Indonesian electrical power system development
• Build the effectiveness of and the synergy among the national electrical power potentials for the purpose of developing the national electrical power system
• Build international network to develop the national resources through cooperation, alliance as well as technology transfer in the framework of enhancing the national electrical power system in anticipation of the global economy era.