MKI Background

Est. 31st September, 1998



On May 28th, 1998, at a meeting between the Electrical Power Stake Holder and Associations in the mining and energy sectors to discuss reformation issues in the electrical power sector, a suggestion came up to establish an umbrella organization. The organization would function as a forum for communication, coordination and consultation among all of those involved in the electrical power industry. 

As a follow-up step to the idea, on July 8th, 1998 the Director General of Electricity and Energy Development organized a meeting. The meeting was attended by around 50 participants, who represent the government, power companies, the Indonesian Consumers Association, industry associations (AKLI, INKINDO, APKABEL, APPERLINDO, AITTI, APETINDO, APILI, API), universities, (University of Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology), and electrical power experts (the Electrical Engineering Chapter of Indonesian Engineers Association). All of the participants at the meeting agreed to establish the Indonesian Electrical Power Society. This agreement was subsequently ratified through the issuance of Director General of Electricity and Energy Development Decree No. 48-12/40/600.4/1998, dated August 4th, 1998 on the establishment of a National Consultative Meeting-I of the Indonesian Electrical Power Society. The first National Consultative Meeting held on September 3rd, 1998 in the Auditorium of PT PLN in Central Jakarta, is taken to be MKI birth-date. 

Basic Concepts

Electrical power is a vital and strategic facility/commodity in the life of a nation to provide the impetus of national development. Its availability, reliability and quality will have a profound effect on the efforts to bring to fruition the ideals of Indonesia's independence through sustainable national development, which is designed to produce an equitable and prosperous society. 

Integration and coordination between players in the power industry, other related sectors and sub-sectors and electricity consumers clearly must be founded and developed. 

Accordingly, it was felt necessary to establish an umbrella organization to act as a forum for communication, coordination and consultation at all levels in respect of the electrical power sector in Indonesia so as to: 

  • • Ensure that the overall potential of the electrical power sector could play an optimal and professional role. 
  • • Ensure that the synergy and potentials of the national electrical power sector can be developed in a a dynamic, adaptable and ethical manner to support the climate transparent, fair and rational efficient competition.